Visitors from far and wide have recently visited Rooibos Ltd in Clanwilliam to learn more about the product and the processes used to produce Rooibos tea and Rooibos extracts, and about our rigorous quality control measures. These visitors will now be able to tell the Rooibos story based on first-hand experience:

Anudini Liyanage, manager of Dilmah’s Food Technology Department, visited Rooibos Ltd during September to familiarise herself with Rooibos Ltd’s quality systems.
She says she now has a better understanding of the nature of the product and a healthy respect for our robust quality control measures.
In September, a project team from Unilever spent some time at Rooibos Ltd to learn more about the product and our processes, and to discuss various exciting opportunities going forward.
During October, Rooibos Ltd was proud to be selected to host a visit from Emirates Catering during their recent South African roadshow. They were accompanied by several international journalists, with a combined readership of millions. They were treated to a tour of our facilities, as well as a tasting session of some exciting new Rooibos products.
BOS Brands:
During October, BOS Brands brought a group of their international representatives to Rooibos Ltd for a tour of our packing plant and extracts facility.

Rooibos Ltd hosted a group of 11 of Joekels’ senior managers for a period of four days during October. Joekels, South African packing giant and owners of the Laager and Tea4Kids brands, spent the time getting to know the Rooibos plant, and our production and processes. They even participated in a Joekels vs Rooibos Ltd bowls championship, which ended in a tie. This means the battle for the trophy will be continued during a next visit!

Chinalight Tradelink:
Mr Yan from Chinalight Tradelink brought his family to visit Rooibos Ltd. A packed product client, he wanted to learn more about the process from start to finish in order to better understand what goes into making Rooibos tea bags.